The Policy of Cheshire County Football Association (“CCFA”) is to deal fairly with all customer complaints. To achieve this, we have implemented the following procedures within our business:
How to complain
All complaints should be made in writing to CCFA, addressed to Greg McLean:
via email sent to, marked ‘Complaint’ in the subject line; or
by post sent to:
Cheshire County Football Association Limited
Hartford House
Hartford Moss Recreation Centre
If complaining by email, we will respond to you via the email address from which the complaint is submitted. If you complain by post, please provide an email address and/or postal address by which we may respond.
Complaints submitted other than by the processes here set out, will not be acknowledged or responded to by CCFA.
When we receive your complaint
We will send an acknowledgment of your complaint in writing within 7 days of receiving the complaint.
We may ask for additional information about your complaint and/or for your written agreement to contact third parties in respect of your complaint. Every complaint will be investigated to establish the circumstances and reach a fair resolution.
CCFA will refuse to deal with your complaint if it is not the appropriate organisation to deal with the concerns raised by the complaint.
How complaints are resolved
Stage 1
In the first instance, the complaint will be dealt with by Greg McLean (save where the complaint is about Mr McLean, in which case the complainant should proceed to Stage 2 below, and address their complaint to Mr Smithies in the first place). Mr McLean will investigate the complaint and may request further information and evidence as set out above.
A response to the complaint will be provided in writing within 14 days of receipt by CCFA of the complaint or within 14 days of receipt by CCFA of any additional information requested, whichever is the longer, unless CCFA contacts the complainant to notify them that it will take longer than that to investigate and respond to the complaint. All complaints will be dealt with in a reasonable timescale.
The response to the complaint will confirm the following:
• What CCFA understands the complaint to be;
• Details of the investigation carried out;
• The findings of that investigation;
• Where appropriate, any further action that will be taken to resolve the complaint.
Stage 2
In the event that a complainant is not happy with the response to Stage 1, or the complaint is about Mr McLean, the complainant may refer their complaint to the CEO of CCFA, via email at or post to the above address.
The CEO will request such additional information from the complainant and carry out such further investigation as the CEO considers is necessary, and shall respond to the complainant within a reasonable time.
Stage 3
If the complainant remains unhappy after the response at Stage 2, they may refer their complaint to the Chair of the Board, via or post to the above address.
The Chair will request such additional information from the complainant and carry out such further investigation as the Chair considers is necessary, and shall respond to the complainant within a reasonable time.
Stage 4
If the complainant feels that the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at the previous Stages 1-3, they can refer their complaint to the Football Association, being the governing body for the game in England primarily responsible for all regulatory aspects of the game via the details below:
Customer Relations
The Football Association
Wembley Stadium
PO Box 1966
0800 389 0699
Stage 5
If the complainant feels that the complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved at the previous Stages 1-4, the final option is for the complainant to refer their complaint to the Independent Football Ombudsman which has a clear remit to receive and adjudicate on complaints from football supporters and participants, which have not been resolved by the Football Authorities.
Complaints can be addressed to:
The Independent Football Ombudsman
Suite 49
33 Great George Street
Leeds LS1 3AJ
0800 588 4066